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Your Home Inspection Should Include Inspecting The Plumbing System

You may not be aware that a home inspection is not just about looking at the outside of a property. One important part of any home inspection is inspecting the plumbing system - this article will help you learn how to better do a home inspection.

While many people will say that the plumber is the one who should do a home's plumbing system, you may want to consider doing it yourself, not only for your own safety but so you can understand what's going on inside the walls and water lines.

What is the Plumbing System?

Your home's plumbing system is a network of pipes and valves that transports water, sewage, and other liquids and gasses to and from fixtures in your home. It's important to have a properly functioning plumbing system because it can help keep your home clean and comfortable. Problems with your plumbing system can lead to flooding, expensive repairs, or even death.

To ensure that your plumbing system is in good condition, you should regularly inspect it for signs of problems. During your home inspection, make sure to inspect the following components of the plumbing system:

Pipes: Look for cracks, breaks, and leaks in all pipes in your home. If you see any of these signs of damage, call a professional to repair the pipe.

Fixtures: Make sure all faucets, showerheads, and bathtubs are working properly. Inspect all water sources (pipes, cisterns, fountains) for corrosion or build-up.

Valves: Check all valves on sinks, toilets, laundry machines, and other appliances for leaks and sticking mechanisms. Replace any that are defective.

How Does The Plumbing System Work?

A plumbing system is essential to the functioning of a house, and it should be inspected periodically to ensure that it is in good working order. The components of a plumbing system include water pipes, drainage systems, and sewage systems. Each system interacts with the other to provide essential services for the house. 

Water pipes carry water from public water sources (such as rivers or reservoirs) to homes and businesses. They may also carry treated water from municipal supplies. Water lines are usually buried underground, but they can also be on top of homes or businesses. A water line that crosses a property line is called a private line.

Drainage systems remove rainwater, snowmelt, and wastewater from roofs, yards, and driveways. They also transport these liquids away from the home so they can be disposed of safely. Drainage systems can be open trenches or closed channels with walls that slope inward toward the center of the property.

Sewer lines carry wastewater and stormwater away from homes and businesses and out to local waterways or dump sites. A sewer line that crosses a property line is called a private line. Sewer systems are usually buried below ground, but they can also be on top of homes

What Can Go Wrong With A Plumbing System?

Your home’s plumbing system is a vital part of your home, and it should be inspected regularly to make sure that it is functioning properly. The following are five common problems with a plumbing system that can lead to major inconvenience or even potential disaster:

  1. Clogged drains: If your drains are clogged, water will not flow properly and may cause flooding. A clogged drain can also lead to the buildup of sewage and bacteria, which can cause serious health problems.
  2. Leaking pipes: Leaks in your pipes can cause water to seep into the ground or other buildings, creating a dangerous situation. Moreover, leaks can also cause extensive damage to your home’s flooring and walls.
  3. Water heater failure: A water heater failure can result in extreme cold temperatures in your home, as well as an inability to shower or use the washing machine. In extreme cases, a water heater failure can even lead to death.
  4. Broken water lines: A broken water line can result in flooding or significant damage to your home. In addition, a broken water line can often contaminate the surrounding area with unsafe chemicals and bacteria.

Your home's plumbing system is one of the most important components of your home. It carries water and other essential substances to every part of your house, ensuring that everything is functioning properly. However, like any other system in your home, a plumbing system can be susceptible to failure. This can result in flooding, leakage, and even a serious fire. In order to keep your home safe and secure, it's important to inspect your plumbing system regularly and identify any potential problems before they become major issues. Here are some things to keep an eye out for: 

-Leakage: One of the most common problems with a plumbing system is leakage. If water is flowing unchecked through the system, it can cause damage and increased risk of flooding. Checking for signs of leakage (like wet floors or stained walls) is key before making any repairs. 

-Faulty connections: Another common issue with a plumbing system is faulty connections. If one part of the system isn't connecting correctly with others, water can flow freely without being controlled. This can lead to flooding and other problems down the line. 

-Broken pipes: Finally, broken pipes are another sign that something may be wrong with your plumbing system

Inspecting Your Home's Plumbing System

When you are ready to buy a home, it is important to make sure the plumbing system is up to par. A home inspection should include inspecting the plumbing system. 

If there are any problems with the pipes or valves in the system, they may not be obvious until they cause major problems. For example, if there is water leaking from a faucet, but no one can figure out where the leak is, that could be a sign that a valve needs to be replaced. 

By conducting a thorough home inspection, you can catch potential problems before they cause any major damage.

Your home's plumbing system is an important part of your overall home safety and maintenance. A properly functioning plumbing system can keep your home warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and free from flooding during heavy rains. By inspecting your home's plumbing system, you can ensure that it is functioning properly and keeping you and your family safe. 

One of the most common problems with a poorly functioning plumbing system is water leaks. Water leaks can occur anywhere in the system, from the pipes themselves to the fittings and seals around them. Leaks can surprisingly go undetected for a long time, leading to dangerous water conditions inside your home. By checking for water leaks, you can identify the areas of your home where repairs or upgrades are needed. 

Another common problem with a poorly functioning plumbing system is clogs. Clogs can form from a variety of things, including tree roots, bits of debris, and hair. A clogged pipe can lead to flooding and other problems, so it's important to get rid of any clogs as soon as possible. If you notice any signs of a clogged pipe, such as gurgling or roaring sounds, call a professional plumber right away.


One of the most important things that your home inspector should inspect is the plumbing system. Not only does this system need to be in good working order, but it also needs to be inspected for any potential leaks or damage. If there are any problems with the plumbing system, they can quickly become major issues and will require professional attention. Make sure your home inspector includes a thorough inspection of the plumbing system when conducting their inspection!

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